The Binance Smart Chain Crown Jewel to Compete With GMX- Part II

Here's a Binance Smart Chain project with brains and beauty. Read on about how the Level platform works and different options for investing.

Scott Debevic
8 min readMar 16, 2023
Picture by the Author using Dall-E

Black holes. Gravity. Time travel. These are all interesting concepts; I can pretend I understand them when I don't. Luckily, only a few people have dense knowledge about these things, so I can be as abstract as I want and not worry about getting fact-checked.

Unfortunately, that isn't the case with the Level platform on the Binance Smart Chain. There are a lot of investors who have a tremendous understanding and comprehension of how the program works. If I explain some things incorrectly here, I apologize in advance.

You can always refer to the whitepaper, which is a good idea to read before investing in any crypto platform. If you haven’t read Part I about this Binance Smart Chain gem, please do so by clicking here.

You need liquidity to create a derivatives platform

For traders to use a derivatives platform, they must feel confident they will get paid out properly on their investments. Therefore, Level and other derivative platforms rely on having ample liquidity to…



Scott Debevic

My goal is growing wealth and earning passive income. Mainly focused on Bitcoin and crypto. Feel free to contact me at: