Respectfully, I disagree with your arguments. To state that the rich are the reason that America is powerful is not based on fact, merely your opinion. Further, take a look at the top two richest people in the world, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. Bezos holds 90% of his wealth in Amazon stock. Ironically, Amazon pays nearly $0 in taxes. Coincidentally, Elon Musk holds 20%+ of Tesla shares. Yet, his company valued at $633 billion only paid $292 million in income taxes.
Let's zoom out a little more. The 2,153 wealthiest billionaires in the world control more wealth than the 4.6 billion poorest people on earth. If the rich shouldn't be taxed more, why should the people who keep the machine going?
It's not the rich should have their taxes increased, it's that they need to be taxed in the first place.