I think you are missing the point in how you are valuing Bitcoin. It's not a collectible (like sports cards) and it's not an ingeniously marketed mineral (like diamonds or other precious gemstones).
Bitcoin is rather a store of value or the hardest form of preserving monetary energy. It is replacing gold's status as it has a finite supply, is easily transportable, is digital, can earn yield, is easy to custody, and is less susceptible to manipulation (see JPMorgan with spoofing metals market repeatedly).
I'd encourage everyone to hold some Bitcoin as it is the best performing asset in modern history (measured by price). Yes, it is volatile. But you will notice that with each bull cycle, the snowball gets bigger and bigger.
It's reasonable and understandable to book some profits and I recognize that it's no fun holding crypto during bear markets. However- look at the big picture. Bitcoin and crypto are money and finance combined with technology. An investment in Bitcoin and crypto is an investment in technology.
Look deeply at the data. Who is buying Bitcoin ? Right now it's the rich, governments, and institutions. What do they see that you are missing?
Money supply has grown exponentially since 2008. Soverieign debts are a joke. Bitcoin doesn't have a barrier to entry like real estate and doesn't involve decision making like the stock market. It holds less counterparty risk than these asset classes and provides diversification in every portfolio.