I tend to agree with you that the odds of the government seizing Bitcoin from corporations is low. But, would you have guessed their would have been an attempted coup with a citizen army in the US in 2021?
Or, what if banks buy a large tranche of Bitcoin. They are notorious for breaking the law. Instead of getting a traditional fine in dollars, suppose they are fined in Bitcoin?
Another scenario could be where maybe a left or right leaning company owns a lot of Bitcoin and the opposing party is in power. The government finds issues with their practices and confiscates the Bitcoin.
We've already seen governments confiscate Bitcoin from criminals so I don't think we can rule out the possibility. On the other hand, if 1 million US citizens each own 1 Bitcoin, it would be much more challenging for the government to confiscate the Bitcoin.
These are my opinions and I can appreciate yours. I agree with most of what you wrote and appreciate you adding to the conversation!