I don't hate capitalism, but I am against crony capitalism. Unfortunately, we are moving more towards a crony capitalism system daily. I'm not sure your article is doing anything except scapegoating that people who are falling behind are dumb and lazy.
For example, I can work my tail off at a minimum wage job and never get ahead. Does this mean I'm lazy? Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are earning more in 1 second than I earn in 1 hour, 1 day, probably even 1 week.
We need to re-think capital structures accounting for our advanced technology. I don't have all the answers, but I believe we need to start addressing solutions rather than finger-pointing and calling people lazy. I could just as easily argue that successful investors are lucky or born in the right year(s).
We know most people want instant gratification. If we have enough resources to provide that on certain levels is that a bad thing? If I'm hungry and want to eat right now, isn't that instant gratification? If I break a bone from tripping, should I be denied medical attention because I can't afford it? Your crass article over-simplifies complicated topics.