Great article! I think about these two asset classes quite a bit.
I'd like to add a couple of more points:
-Less counterparty risk in crypto (crooked and expensive management or random debt offerings and share issuance)
-Open 24 hours a day and lower barrier to entry (no minimums/qualified investor status)
-Global market rather than just the country that you are in
-Crypto is technology and youth embraces technology
-Stocks exist for companies that are designed to make profits, Crypto is looking for solutions to make a more equitable planet.
-Exchanges can't just decide to "stop" selling crypto because of their crooked agreements behind the scenes (Robinhood). And if they do, decentralized exchanges solve that issue.
-Crypto has reached a tipping point that can't be ignored when banks, billionaires, and sovereign countries are investing in it. Typically only domestic governments invest in their own stock markets. Billionaires have more information than the lay person and banks are as trustworthy today as they were in 2007.
Thank you for writing about this topic.