Egalitarian societies can only exist on a small level where people know other people. If you want to talk about slavery, talk to a factory worker in Asia and they will probably trade places with an American in poverty. I see countless humanitarian articles on Medium and few recognize how the poor in the US are much better off financially than the poor elsewhere. But you and I don’t know any Asian factory workers so we don’t make it a priority to discuss their plight.
A lot of people aren’t taking into account the value of human productivity is decreasing as technology improves. Think of all the former middle class jobs that technology has replaced. Even the Uber drivers are going to be replaced with self driving vehicles. Most of the benefit of this improved efficiency goes to executives and stockholders of these companies. This will only grow as time moves forward, as clearly politicians are bought.
At some point the government will step in and create a UBI. It will be interesting how much control and surveillance will increase when this gets launched. The best option is to learn about the financial system, and protect yourself by having some Bitcoin.